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GLC GypPro

GLC GypPro is produced from naturally-mined gypsum, providing superior extender and flame retardant properties to manufactured products. An effective ingredient in plastic and other compound manufacturing, GLC GypPro is preferred by industrial engineers for its consistent particle size distribution and pure chemistry.


Calcium Sulfate Dihydrate - CaSO4 - 2H2O

Solution Type

Volume Enhancer

ISO certified

Typical Chemical Analysis

Chemical Compound % of Product
Gypsum - CaSO4 • 2H2O 87
Calcium Sulfate - CaSO4 68
Elemental Calcium - Ca 20
Elemental Sulfur - S 16

Gypsum Formulated For Industrial Manufacturing Applications

GLC GypPro is formulated for industrial applications, harnessing the distinct characteristics of gypsum to enhance the production of plastics, plasters, and other compounds.

Typical Particle Size Distribution

U.S. Mesh Screen % Retained % Passed
20 0 100
60 0.5 99.5
100 0.5 99
Pan 99 0

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Manufactured as a Fire Retardant Extender

Gypsum’s effectiveness as a fire retardant stems from its unique chemistry. When exposed to high temperatures, gypsum undergoes a process called dehydration, where it releases water molecules bound within its crystal structure. This released water acts as a heat sink, absorbing energy and slowing down the temperature rise of the surrounding materials. Additionally, the water vapor displaces oxygen, creating a less favorable environment for combustion. This combination of heat absorption and oxygen reduction significantly hinders the spread of flames. Thus, gypsum’s chemistry plays a crucial role in its ability to mitigate the intensity and progression of fires, making it an efficient fire retardant in various applications.

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